Well yes it has been awhile since I started this blog, and my intention is to tell a story of where I've been with my radios, such as in the parks or on a summit. Since my couple of QRP rigs are being upgraded, and this is taking a few days, weeks, I have not been out the door and up to the parks. As you can see, the jeepster is parked.
I am also expecting a brand new KX2, though, with the part shortage around the world, my KX2 is also in the works, and is not ready to be shipped by Elecraft, though they have told me just a few more short weeks. So yes it has been a long time!!
In the mean time, I am keeping the faith, studying, serving, and waiting. All in due time. I have recently also read an ARRL book on Portable Operations, so will soon do a book review on this excellent book.
New antennas are also inbound, so I really need to obtain my gear and get on the road.
One more item, I have received my Cricket, 20m, CW rig, from 4SQRP and one of these days will attempt to build it, not my strong point, though what the heck, gotta start some place. Thanks for reading and staying with me. Oh and maybe think about buying me a coffee!!??