On Friday the first of April 2022 (this is no joke) the Royal Dutch Army will organise ”HAM meets military”. Eight special stations consisting of 2 military operators and 1 amateur with callsigns PA01MIL up to and including PA08MIL will be on air on HF from 0700Z (GMT) until 1900Z (GMT).
The main goal is to introduce young military operators to the world of amateur radio. Of course there is a little challenge involved, because soldiers love to be pushed to the limit. Which callsign makes the most contacts? The amateur is there to help and improve their antennas but all contact have to made with military equipment only! They will operate with man-pack radios or with a vehicle setup in a Mercedes 290GD.
We would like to hear as many amateurs as possible to train these operators. Please use the NATO-phonetic alphabet and have some patience. The best operators could be active in the future on PZ5JT.
More information on the QRZ-page of PA01MIL: https://qrz.com/db/pa01mil or via hammeetsmilitary@gmx.com